NASUWT: Stockport
The Teachers' Union
Welcome to the NASUWT Stockport
Stockport NASUWT is the largest teachers' association in Stockport representing over 1400 serving teachers in all education sectors and types of schools.
Need help? Member Support Advice Team
Call our Member Support Advice Team 03330 145550 (8am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday)
The call is free with any inclusive minute package from a landline or mobile phone or you can email
Meetings - Dates for your diary
All practising teachers can participate in the democratic processes of the Union and it would be great to see you at our next General Meeting. These meetings are held after school and are at The Alma Lodge Hotel in Stockport. Food and refreshment will be provided during these meetings.
General Meetings for 2024-25:
Thursday 10th October 2024
Wednesday 5th February 2025
Tuesday 10th June 2025
Contact Jac Casson or Yvette Harper-Lee at for further information.
Latest News from @NASUWT
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Events and Key Information
Durham Miners Gala and Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival
Our activist summer started with being part of the parade at the Durham Miners Gala 13th July, a fantastic weekend in a beautiful historic city, although a bit damp!
The following weekend 19-21st July we supported the Tolpuddle Martyrs festival in Dorset - The origins of trade union movement. The Tolpuddle Martyrs were persecuted for what they believed in. But their struggle for justice inspired a movement and inspired a nation. They showed that, if we stand together in solidarity, we can change the world and we can change the future. Unions grew to over 200 million members today and have won rights for workers around the world.
Click through the gallery to see the photos.
2024/25 pay award
The independent School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB) has recommended a pay award of 5.5% to uplift the pay and allowances for teachers in England from 1 September 2024.
The government has accepted the recommendations and has also announced a package of additional funding for schools to help them meet the extra costs of the pay award.
Please see our Pay Award (England) page for further details of the implementation process.
Dr Patrick Roach in conversation with Ofsted Chief Inspector Sir Martyn Oliver
Sir Martyn Oliver became Ofsted Chief Inspector in January 2024, saying he wants to improve and change the way Ofsted goes about its work and as part of that promise, Ofsted has begun the ‘Big Listen’.
In this interview, NASUWT General Secretary Dr Patrick Roach put our members' key concerns to Sir Martyn and set out our vision for the future of inspection and accountability in England.
What does an effective pupil behaviour management policy look like?
The principles that we believe underpin effective behaviour management policies and practices in schools and colleges.
Teachers - do you know your rights on your working hours?
NASUWT Big Survey
Click here or the photo below to view the key finding from the NASUWT Big Question Survey.
Better Deal for England’s Teachers
The NASUWT is currently campaigning for our members employed in England to be awarded a pay increase
Teachers are facing multiple attacks on their pay, their workload and their wellbeing.
Unsustainable rises in working hours, pay freezes in England and inadequate pay offers in Northern Ireland and Scotland, and massive adverse impacts on teachers’ mental health are creating anger in the profession after teachers have been ‘right in the eye of the storm’ for two years.
Our children’s potential to contribute positively to the future of our society and our economy is directly linked to the hard work, dedication and professionalism of our teachers. Every child from every background can develop a passion for education and deserves to realise their goals and ambitions.
But teachers are angry and demoralised.
The NASUWT is demanding intervention from the Government to secure a better deal for teachers as part of a range of measures needed to ensure the continued support of the profession.
You can help to deliver real progress towards reinstating fair pay, a reasonable workload and peace of mind for teachers.
Join the campaign
If you're not already a member, join today and your first six months are FREE
If your colleagues are not members, ask them to join too - and earn rewards
Online training
If you missed our programme of summer advice & training webinars, you can now watch again.
An Introduction to Unconscious Bias
Restructuring & Redundancy
Leadership and New Teacher Seminars
You will need to log into the main NASWT website to access the training. The login is at the top right of the page
If you have never logged in before or you have forgotten your password, you can use the Forgotten Password facility.
The following salary scales apply in England, excluding London and the Fringe, and to schools and academy trusts which follow the NASUWT’s pay policy.
Attached are links to Sixth-Form Pay and Supply Teachers' Pay.
If your school has different salary scales to these, you should email the Member Support Advice Team for specific advice, sending your school or academy trust’s pay policy where possible.
Performance Management
The overwhelming majority of teachers now have their performance reviewed on an annual basis.
The NASUWT has produced a range of guidance to assist you in taking control of your performance management so that you are able to secure a successful outcome, enhance your career progression and maximise your opportunity for pay progression.
You should not participate in any appraisal/performance management process which does not conform to all elements of the NASUWT appraisal/performance management checklist and the classroom observation protocol.

Eliminating unnecessary workload for teachers regarding marking
This report from the Marking Policy Review Group sets out recommendations to reduce the workload burden on teachers.
It is for:
school leaders
school governing boards
It looks at the role that marking plays in teaching and the 3 principles of effective marking: