with Stockport NASUWT: The Teachers' Union
All Stockport NASUWT members are welcomed to Stockport Association General Meetings
Meetings are after school and at The Alma Lodge Hotel - 149 Buxton Road, Stockport SK2 6EL.
You will receive an email with the agenda item for our general meetings. Please contact for more information.
There has never been a more important time for you to be aware of the latest developments in education, both locally and nationally.
Meetings of your Local Association provide the opportunity to hear the latest national and local information, share your views, influence policy development, network and seek advice and support.
The NASUWT values its direct engagement with members, and your active participation in NASUWT Local Association meetings is important and would be very welcome.
The annual schedule of your Local Association meetings and items of key business which allow all practising teachers to participate in the democratic processes of the Union are are below. More detailed agendas for each meeting will be distributed closer to the date of each meeting.
The Alma Lodge Hotel - 149 Buxton Road, Stockport SK2 6EL
Our next meetings are:
General Meeting - autumn
Venue: The Alma Lodge
1. National and local issues affecting teachers and school leaders
2. Nominations for:
a) National Officer positions
i) Junior Vice President
ii) Honorary Treasurer
b) Standing Orders Committee term of Office and by-election )
National Executive Members (and by-elections where required)
3. Local Association/Federations elections - casual vacancies and interim elections, where required.
4. Motions for Annual Conference in the summer
5. Facility time
6. Budget
6. Rule Change Consultation
Annual General Meeting - spring
Venue: The Alma Lodge
1. National and local issues affecting teachers and school leaders + Question and Answer
2. Amendments to Conference Motions
3. Confirmation of Elected Representatives for Annual Conference
4. Nominations for National Executive Members (if not made in Autumn term and by-elections where required)
5. Nominations for Standing Orders Committee (if not made in Autumn term and by-elections where required)
6. Results of local association/federation elections.
7. Facility time
8. Budget
9. National Officer by-elections in required
General Meeting - summer
Venue: The Alma Lodge
1. National and local issues affecting teachers and school leaders
2. Local Association/Federations elections - casual vacancies and interim elections, where required.
3. National Executive Nominations – for by-elections where required
4. Facility time
5. Budget
You are welcome to join all of our meetings.
What happens at an AGM?
Open Q&A and discussion on local issues with local Secretary.
Annual Reports by Association’s Secretary & Treasurer.
Remarks from outgoing and incoming Association Presidents.
Election of Officers and Exec members.
National Executive report and discussion of local and national issues.
What happens at a General Meeting?
Reports from Association Secretary, Treasurer and National Executive report
Open Q&A and discussion of local and national issues.
Facilities time
The NASUWT is a democratic, member-led organisation which operates to defend and advance members’ interests. This is done with the participation of the members who can get involved as workplace representatives, by joining the local Executive Committee (EC), by attending General Meetings and events and as Conference delegates or voting for Conference motions. Any Stockport member who would like to find out more about being involved with the local executive or attending the regional or annual conferences should contact the Secretary.