Previous training opportunities

North West Regional Conference 25 June 2022

Would you like to attend the North West Regional Conference? This year it is being held at De Vere Cranage Estate in Holmes Chapel.

A detailed programme will follow and is likely to include a morning conference for all delegates including a key note speech from a member of the General Secretary’s Team. Following lunch, a small selection of afternoon workshops will be available to choose from. These are to be booked when registering on the day of Conference.

The Saturday evening will include a three course dinner including an awards ceremony. The whole event will provide plenty of opportunities to network with teachers and activists from all over the North West Region.

Stockport NASUWT will fund delegates who attend. The includes the cost of any meals and hotel room for members.

Please complete the blue sections of the Excel form clearly indicating room and any special requirements, and remember to include your membership number.

Please note that registrations will be processed on a strictly first come, first served basis and although we aim to close registration on 1 April 2022, we may do so earlier if oversubscribed before that date. So we strongly recommend you submit your forms as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Spaces cannot be reserved without a completed form which should be returned by e-mail to:

Free Training for members - More dates for your diary!

In addition to the above local association meetings, we have also planned a Training Programme for the new academic year. We were delighted to sponsor three Stockport members to train as anti-racism ambassadors with Show Racism the Red Card, during the summer term. These members will share some of their learning more widely in two sessions this autumn.

Monday 27th September 5pm via zoom – Show racism the red card (Session 1)

(Please email for details of how to join the session)

Recognising and responding to racism. They will talk through key concepts in racial literacy including unconscious bias, privilege and intersectionality before looking at some key ways racism presents itself in schools and how we, as teachers and NASUWT members, can respond to racism.

Show racism the red card (Session 2) - date rearranged
Tuesday 2nd November 5.30-6.30pm via zoom

You do not need to have attended session 1 to attend session 2, which again will be excellent, informative and thought provoking.

(Please email for details of how to join the session)

An exploration into how racism impacts in our schools and some practical things we can do as teachers to be more consciously anti-racist.

Trainer Profile – Keziah Major North West Education Manager for ‘Show Racism the Red Card’. Joined SRTRC after a 4 year stint managing education programmes at the Anne Frank Trust and in a previous life was Head of History in schools across Rochdale and Oldham.

We also plan to deliver the following training throughout the year

  • Date tbc – Health & Safety with a focus on current COVID-19 guidelines

Spring term

  • Date tbc – LGBTQ+ Guest speaker details to follow

Summer term

  • Date tbc – Wellbeing and meditation details to follow

Online training

If you missed our programme of summer advice & training webinars, you can now watch again.

An Introduction to Unconscious Bias
Restructuring & Redundancy
Leadership and New Teacher Seminars

You will need to log into the main NASWT website to access the training. The login is at the top right of the page

If you have never logged in before or you have forgotten your password, you can use the Forgotten Password facility.